No. Indeed, the shoulder flip has a practical use... more than being fashionable (though some will purposely get a bigger sling to be able to do this ;))
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Shoulder flips
No. Indeed, the shoulder flip has a practical use... more than being fashionable (though some will purposely get a bigger sling to be able to do this ;))
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Wrapping again!
Sunday, January 27, 2008
January 2008 Market Day
The market was moving at a slower pace today compared to the previous two. Perhaps, it's the fast approaching Chinese New Year... busy spring cleaning? busy shopping for CNY goods?... neither applies to me, at the moment.
On this particular market day, I have started giving out babywearing information and meeting updates. These are being printed at home at the moment but I am hoping to be able to earn enough in the future to be able to fund professionally printed babywearing brochures and information and hold regular babywearing workshops... am I thinking too much? Is it too much to fantasize that we will one day have a babywearing conference in Malaysia?
What made my day??....
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Potential Danger of 'Bag Slings'
Former Registered Nurse,
now babywearing educator and mother of two
First, the design of these bag slings causes baby to curl chin to chest, larger babies more so because their heads are positioned further up in the carrier. This position kinks baby’s airway causing the baby to work harder to breathe.
For more information on the importance of maintaining an infant's head and neck in an aligned position see the articles:
“Baby car seat ‘cot death’ concerns”
“Simple Car Seat Insert to Prevent Upper Airway Narrowing”
PEDIATRICS Vol. 112 No. 4 October 2003, pp. 907-913
Third, it is difficult for the parent to closely monitor their infant unless he/she pulls open the top of the sling. Bag slings are generally deep, plus they sag when baby is placed in it, further increasing the depth of the carrier. The gathered top, and the fact that the sling hangs so low, obstructs the parent’s view of baby. If a newborn were to have difficulty breathing, and/or rotate until his nose and mouth was pressed against the side of the carrier, the parent may not be aware of the baby’s respiratory distress for some time. Compounding this problem is the difficulty of feeling the baby's distress through the thick fabric of the sling.
Fourth, although one bag sling is designed with large mesh panels placed near the infant’s head, others are not. There is a possibility that, with only a very small opening at the top of a non-mesh sling, an infant may not receive adequate amounts of fresh air. There is also the concern that carbon dioxide levels could rise the longer the infant remains in the sling.
For more information on the dangers of re-breathing see this article:
“About Carbon Dioxide Poisoning and SIDS”
Compare bag slings with a shallow fabric pouch or adjustable open-tailed sling (or mei tai or wrap). In these types of carriers an infant is easily monitored and visualized. Also, a newborn's head is effectively sandwiched between the sides of these carriers, preventing the infant from easily rotating his/her head into the sides of the carrier."
Please, please seriously consider before you purchase a 'bag sling'. The last I saw, these slings are promoted as "NEW!" and "MUST BUY!" in our Malaysian market.
Read more on the different tests being done on these slings. These are definitely worth a read especially if you are planning to buy a 'bag sling' (more so if you already own one)
Friday, January 25, 2008
Amy's Rucksack Instructions
Thanks to Amy for instructions on the rucksack carry and many thanks to TheBabyWearer for having links to these helpful instructions, I managed to do the rucksack carry with the wrap.
To my surprise, Arthur likes the wrap. Don't know exactly why but he lets me take all the time I need to get it right. Shall I also tell you that I did indeed took my own sweet time to ensure he is all safe and ok with it before daring to bring him out.
So, an hour and more than 3 tries later, we were ready for an outing to show off the wrap!Arthur couldn't wait to show it off, too. He was pointing to the door!.... and, when I asked if he wants to come down.. he shakes his head.
Yes... with a cooperative Arthur, I shall be able to try the wrap out more. Look out for those posts ;)
Thursday, January 24, 2008
I'm wrapping! I'm wrapping!
From my previous posts, you would have read that Arthur is getting straps phobia, looking at those long, long straps from the Podaegi. Then again, the Mei Tai was a bit better received.
So, I thought, perhaps a wrap will luck out better since it does not look as strappy... I was right. He was indeed cooperative with the wrap!
So, if I could just master a few more carrying positions, I will be able to really bring Arthur out in a wrap and provide reviews of the suitable fabric though I believe this lightweight cotton stretch fabric will work well ;).
An addition... to the team
Why an overlocker? See for yourself!
On the left was how I lock the edges to prevent fraying with my trusty old sewing machine. On the right is how it is done with the overlocker (aka serger). Which do you think looks better?
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Chew, Baby, Chew!
Reminds me of a cousin's DD who still have mashed food... rejecting solids, except for crisps... she's 27 months old.
Well, I never thought this being worthy for sharing but since this is not the first time I get asked advise for this, I thought it might be interesting to do a post on.
My little Arthur started solid at 6 months. Well, like many, starting on solids means starting with cereal, mash and the like.
Slowly progressing, at about 8 months, he started on porridge (aka congee). Plain porridge... later with pumpkin.. later with potato... later with onions... later with a bit of everything...
Anyway, Arthur started taking rice just before he reached one. Chewing them, though I doubt they are chewed as fine as adults do... main thing is, he chews!... something I learned not many toddlers his age does.
Getting Arthur to chew takes training and practice. No force... just training with potatoes.
How? Ever since Arthur started on solids, unlike many, I am not into pureeing the food. So, I finely chopped/diced whatever goes into the porridge and give them to him as is.
When he reached 8 months, I started dicing the potatoes into tiny cubes (about 2mm sides) and boiling them til they are soft enough to be mashed with our tongues before giving it to him. Mind you, he is toothless then. Arthur only started teething at 15 months... so, it is gums he was using to mash the food.
Of course, it did not start straightaway. That's why we need to cut them into really, really small cubes in the beginning as all they ever want to do is to swallow the food right away. Having anything bigger or harder might result in choking.
Just keep doing it and sooner or later, you will notice that they are beginning to chew on them. At this stage, increase the size of the potato cubes by a little, perhaps, by another 1mm... and so on.. and so on... by almost 1 year old, Arthur was chewing on potato cubes of more than 1cm on each side and they didn't need to be as soft as before. Then again, please remember that every tot is different, so, only make it harder when you are confident that he will chew it. Otherwise, ensure the potatoes are well cooked enough that you can mash it with your bare tongue before giving it to them.
Teaching little tots to chew is important. It is important to help them progress to more solid food like rice and other things. At almost 19 months now, Arthur can take in big pieces of vegetables or fruits (he's not into meat, though). If you do not already know, chewing also exercises our little ones jaw muscles, aiding them in their speeches.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Success with One Shoulder Carries
Whether it is one shoulder, two shoulders or torso carries, you will know (when you try them) that the ONE common IMPORTANT point is to have your baby SNUGLY tied on, keeping baby as close to you as possible.
Experiment: try having a backpack full of books and wear it loosely, even have it dangling from your back... try it again, with the same number of books and adjust the straps to make it closest possible to your body when you wear it. Feel the difference?
You might have remembered that one shoulder carries works best for little ones who are less heavy while two shoulders carries works well into toddlerhood. Then again, I am sure many will agree with me that one shoulder carriers, especially of the pouch type, are the most convenient to bring along on trips. Whether we like it, going out of the house is when we need the carriers most. Also, remember, having a heavy baby in a one shoulder carrier is better than having to carry baby with your bare hands...
So, what can we do to make the most out of our one shoulder carriers (this seems to be the only option to Malaysians, to date)?
- Instead of using one, use two carriers, crossing across your body to carry heavier babies.
- I know this is difficult (especially when you have gotten used to it) but try to alternate between the shoulders.
- shift your baby around you... in other words, instead of just having your little one on the side all the time, adjust him/her to the front, tummy to tummy or even to the back (if you are confident with this) to allow the weight to be borne by different parts of your body.
Any more? Please do share.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Doggie Attire
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Personal Preferences
(though it's getting harder for long hours)
My first two shoulder project...
My first Mei Tai
(thought he will be more cooperative with this as there is much less strapping process... a bit better received by Arthur compared to the Pod but he still obviously prefers the pouch)
I made them in thoughts that it will be a much better carrier for us now that ...
- ...he is growing and is almost 12 kg, I am looking for two shoulder carriers to have a better spread in weight
- ...since he likes being carried at the back, the two shoulders variety seems like a safer option (he is one wriggly baby
But then again, the fact is, he dislikes them probably ...
- ... because the straps looks complicated and ?scary?
- ... because he's gotten used to the convenience of the pouch (this is the only carrier we've been using since he was about 5 months old)
- ... because he doesn't have the patience to wait for me to tie them properly (remember, the pouch is well known for it's poppability!)
So, really, there is no one best carrier but rather one that suits your personal preference. Read up on the different ones and compare them. Don't be surprised if you feel that you need to have one of each, though, it is already good enough if you know one position with one carrier... it makes a world of difference!
Friday, January 18, 2008
Back carries
You can even do this with the ring sling though you need to be sure that the fabric is snug and safe before you do so.
And, for those of us meeting up on the 2nd February 2008, I can of course show you how it is done ;)
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Special Requests
Custom made wipes case
Custom made reversible doll sling
Meanwhile, I understand the frustation of knowing about the existence of these carriers but not being able to obtain them as they are quite pricey to be imported. So, as with some who has contacted me, I will be glad to sew them for you as long as you understand that I am only doing the sewing part and I am really not experienced enough with them.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Why a wrap when there are so many carriers available?
"Ring slings are great, and some of the structured carriers are good too. One warning: there is some concern that carriers with a narrow crotch which leave the baby's legs to dangle can be damaging to little spines. Many of the widely available structured carriers are of this type, so please examine the carrier you choose carefully and do some research.
Carrying your baby is so beneficial to you and your child that the carrier that you like to use is the best carrier for you. However, there are a few features of the SPOC (simple piece of cloth) that make it a useful tool, even if you already have and like another sling.
1) Easy to improvise. Once you learn a couple of basic carries, you will never get caught without a sling so long as you can find a length of fabric. Carry your baby on your back using a sweater, tie on a toddler using a scarf, nurse hands-free using a generously-sized baby blanket.
2) Affordable. For as little as $1/yard you can make a great wrap. $5-15 is all it takes to make a 5 yard wrap (which most people find is long enough to do all the carries on this site), and if the fabric is wide enough to cut in half lengthwise, you may get two slings for that price. For as little as $30, you can buy one ready-made. If you'd like something more expensive, don't worry. Hemp silk wraps are available for $200.
3) Easy laundering. No special care is needed (beyond appropriate care for the fabric you choose), and because there are no rings, no buckles, and no padding or layers, it will dry quickly (even on a clothesline) and won't ding up the washer or dryer.
4) Two shoulder carries. For many, this is the big selling point. Ring slings are great for babies, but some parents feel a bit lopsided if they wear the baby in a sling for an extended time. With a long wrap, you can distribute the weight to both shoulders and also your waist.
5) One size fits most. Ring slings can usually be shared between several people, unless they are very different in size, but it's much harder to share pouches and more structured carriers requiring adjustment of buckles. Howver, the wrap that fits you can almost certainly work for your husband, sister, dad, babysitter, or anyone else who takes care of the baby. Perhaps four yards is enough for you to do the wrap cross carry, but not your husband. No problem! He can use the same wrap to do a hip cross carry, or a one shoulder carry, or a strap carry. With a wrap carrier handy, he'll have no excuse to leave you holding the baby. Unless of course you buy a pink wrap with lace ruffles on the end. Then you are on your own. :P
6) Easy to make. Sewing a ring sling isn't hard, but sewing a wrap is ridiculously easy. In fact, you don't even need to sew it at all. Check out our section on making your own wrap."
~Caren Pita
Ever since I started this blog, I have received many feedbacks and comments on the many different possibilities of wearing a baby. Ring Slings, Pouches, Mei Tai, Wraps... Happy, glad, surprised... I now know that though it's not a hot product on the market, some have made known to me that they have Mei Tais and the japanese baby sling, onbuhimo.
It is exactly reasons like these that encourage me to promote it even more and to want to start regular meetings more than ever... You'd never know what you will see!
Anyway, as promised, let me know what you would love to know about on babywearing and I will search it up for you...
Many have expressed interest in knowing the kind of fabric that is suitable for a wrap. Really, anything can be a wrap. It's just a matter of how you would like to tie it and what kind of position you would like to use if for. This pretty much determines the length of the wrap (4.5 metres will generally enable one to do most carrying positions). As for the width, it is recommended by many for it to be something between 20" to 30".
Wrapping is not an option for me now as my little one has gotten used to the convenience of the pouch. The Podaegi could work but he just isn't patient enough to let me tie it on nicely. So, I don't think I would be sharing my own experience on this anytime soon. Will keep trying, though ;)
With my little experience with fabric, I believe lightweight, woven cotton fabric will be suitable for our climate. If you prefer stretchy fabric, you can also opt for the cotton knit fabric. Something you might want to try with... bedsheets!
Why are the ready made ones so expensive? Just like your Cloth Diapers, those specialising in wraps have the fabric specially constructed for the purpose-babywearing! Just as how I still buy pouches from other retailers, you will never know until you try. It could be the fabric. It could be the customer service. It could be the videos included. It could be the never-ending support.... all these are more than just a piece of fabric.
If you do end up trying out wrapping with bedsheets or any other fabric, please do so with caution. Please ensure that your baby is always held on to safely before practising the positions. Again, it would be great to try the different positions out with a doll/bear before practising with the real one. This is especially true with the back carry. You need to have total confidence before trying that!
As for fabric choices, while I did mention that lightweight cotton shall be suited to our hot and humid climate. Please do not get one that is 'too lightweight'. It might not be structured well enough to hold your baby for a long time. Again, try a few and you will see what I mean by 'too lightweight'.
Until the next time, Selamat Babywearing ;)
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Cloth Diapers Review - Part 2 **updated with pic on Ella House
Again... Beforehand, please note that this review is solely based on my personal experience with them on my little Arthur. It might or might not work out to be the same for you or your baby though I do hope this helps out in your decision-making process as in which one to buy.
"Wash & Care" is simplified. If you know CDs, you'd know there are many, many ways to care for them. Mine is not the detailed version simply because by the time I started using them, my little one seldom poo in the nappy already...
I do not get paid for these reviews and even if I do get paid, they will be the same honest reviews. "Get it from" simply provides references on where I got them from. There could be others in Malaysia selling them... at any time, you can just google them up ;)
The ratings (e.g. *****) are from * (1) to ***** (5), where ***** (5) is the highest possible rating for any particular product. ;)
Ella's House fitted
Description : Call this weird, call this special, call this unique... this is the only one CD that I have where the prints are meant to be on the inside. Why? The prints on on the fleece, the fabric that is meant to absorb moisture away from the baby's bum.
Material : The body of this nappy is made entirely from hemp/cotton fleece with aplix. It is a fitted with a pocket that has a hem booster inside, and you can add on extra hemp booster into the pocket fitted diaper. Simply soft and absorbent.
Absorbency : Very absorbent. Used with a longie, can last Arthur through the night (Arthur is a mega heavy wetter) and still keep him dry as the entire inner layer is fleece, though the outside will be dripping wet. What's more, you cn always add on inserts/boosters.
Drying time : Longer than pockets but generally faster than most fitted as there is an 'insert' that can be taken out to dry.
Fit : Not so pro-Ella's House here... if you look closely at the picture, you will see that the aplix are sewn much to the inside compared to others... in a way, the closure is not very well enclosed... sort of flabby, if you get what I mean. Fit is a bit loose on the bottom. Huge aplix strap... which I don't really like.
Wash & Care : Easy wash, easy care. The printed inner layer makes tough stains almost invisible. Just the same as most modern CD. Just rinse off messes and put into WM
Prints : Cute prints, though remember, the prints belong to the inner layer. So, when it is on, you won't see those prints.. all you see is the beige colour.
Overall Rating : *** (everything but the fit is good about this nappy)
Get it from :
Bumwear One Size Pocket
Description : Don't know why but this particular CD never appealed to me. It was indeed never my intention to get it... it was a result of an exchange of a faulty product. Anyway, since I am into CD, I thought I'd just try this out, too. Briefly, a pocket diaper (known for its batik prints) with soft fleece inner.
Material : PUL outer with batik prints and super soft fleece inner
Absorbency : Again, as in Part 1 of my CD review, this very much depends on the inserts.
Drying time : Very fast... remember, this is true for the Pocket outer only... you need those inserts!
Fit : Poor fit. period.
Wash & Care : Simple and easy as the soft fleece inner can easily be rinsed off.
Prints : Again, known for it's batik prints... though batik does not appeal much to me.
Overall Rating : **(the very poor fit has made me put it aside as a nap time nappy... not good for outing, not good for active activities while my little one is awake... the CD drops sometimes when he gets too excited. Put it on a tighter setting? No... it will then be too tight that it leaves marks on my little Arthur. Also, the PUL outer somehow seem different and a bit off compared to Drybees and others.)
Get it from : As I did not get satisfactory customer service from the vendor, I am not recommending them here. Please look this up yourself and hopefully, you do not get it from where I got it from.
Bum Genius 2.0 One Size pocket
Description : This is my favourite pocket CD by far as I simply love everything about it! What more can I wish for? Perhaps, for the sizing to be more generous so that it can last longer (most one size will not last through toddlerhood as their fittings are usually 'just right')? Then again, more generous sizing might mean a poorer fit?
Material : PUL outer and suede inner. Somehow, this PUL outer is a bit thinner than the rest and in a way more breathable, I feel. And, no, it does not make it leak sooner. Just a note here, PUL are usually categorised into how waterproof they can be in terms like 1 mil, 2 mil so on. Most PUL for CDs are in the 2 mils. Also, love those stretchy tabs! Go to their website to watch the brief video clip on how this feature helps ease the CD experience. It worked exactly the same way for me ;)
Absorbency : Depends on the inserts. The insert that came with it can last quite some time. For an outing with Arthur, usually at least 3 hours before we change him. Longer, most of the time.
Drying time : Very fast, true with pocket diapers
Fit : Main reason why I love this so much is due to the not-so-bulky fit. Compared to the rest that I have, this one allows me to put pants on Arthur without him looking like a duck with a big, hidden, bottom. **LOL**
Wash & Care : Easy wash, easy care. It's a pocket CD!
Prints : Not many choices. In fact, no prints at all. Just those lovely pastel solid colours.
Overall Rating : ***** (this deserves a full rating as this is my favourite pocket CD to date! Let me know if you prefer any other over this!)
Get it from :
Itti Bitti AIO
Description : This is the first from the left in the picture (solid blue). The claims are true... "...itti bitti snap in AIO's are ultra trim, quick drying All In One nappies that don't need a cover. These snug fitting nappies really do fit just like a disposable, perfect for wearing under clothes, that don't usually fit cloth bums. They have the high cut front and slim crotch, too" Unlike any I have experienced to date, these (all 3 of them from the pic) looks so small you'd wonder it'll fit. They do! In size L, there's even room for growth for Arthur!
Material : PUL and fleece for the outer layer. Super absorbent bamboo boosters! Very interesting system used here. Something like Baby Beehinds but with a wider coverage for the topmost layer, which is constructed of a fleece layer on top of a bamboo layer. All included in the package (scroll down for the photo for itti Boo's... similar system , different material. notice that they even colour code the snaps to make sure you know what goes where!)
Absorbency : Very, very absorbent. Just to try it out, I had it on Arthur for 8 hours and it was still holding well (no leaks) though I know it should so be changed after 8 hours!!
Drying time : The system is just so good. It dries much, much faster than all other AIOs/fitted that I have. Briefly, it can all be taken apart.
Fit : Very, very, very good fit. Something like how low cut hipsters had overtaken the high-waisted jeans.... (can I put it in any better terms? hehehe..)
Wash & Care : Easy wash, easy care. Much more so with this as you can even just take away the top most liner when it is soiled and continue using it with another liner if it's not wet (... don't you just hate those times you need to change the whole nappy just minutes after putting it on your baby simply because there's a little mess in it?)
Prints : Prints not available for the AIOs but the colours available are simply to die for.
Overall Rating : ***** (Isn't it beginning to sound like I am getting paid for this or that I am selling it? Fact is, NO to both. I just want to express how happy and satisfied I am with this CD! Might just get more... and more... and more...)
Get it from : not available in Malaysia at the moment (will soon be ;). No.. not through me...). I got it straight from the Australian site from the above link.
Itti Bitti Bitti Boo's
Description : This is the middle one in the first picture (Lemon coloured). The claims are true... "bitti boo's are designed with the super trim itti bitti fit, so they really do fit just like a disposable, they are super soft and sooo pat-a-ble and they stay that way, wash after wash. They have the high cut front and slim crotch, too" Unlike any I have experienced to date, these (all 3 of them from the pic) looks so small you'd wonder it'll fit. They do! In size L, there's even room for growth for Arthur!
Material : an outer layer of colourful, snuggly soft, cotton/poly velour, an inner of bamboo velour. Itti bitti snap in hemp boosters with the hourglass booster also topped in silky soft bamboo velour (so all that is touching babies bum is lush, soft bamboo velour) Ohh... so soft.. like the Blueberry minkee.. even better as this is breathable... soft on the inside and the outside, too.
Absorbency : Very, very absorbent. No problem at all with night diapering. Have to go with a longie, though. Then again, unlike the other fitted CDs I use for night diapering, this is not dripping wet the next morning. Just wet all over.
Drying time : Like the AIO, the system is just so good. It dries much, much faster than all other AIOs/fitted that I have. Briefly, it can all be taken apart.
Fit : I'll say it again...Very, very, very good fit. Something like how low cut hipsters had overtaken the high-waisted jeans.... (can I put it in any better terms? hehehe..)
Wash & Care : Easy wash, easy care. Much more so with this as you can even just take away the top most liner when it is soiled and continue using it with another liner if it's not wet (... don't you just hate those times you need to change the whole nappy just minutes after putting it on your baby simply because there's a little mess in it?)
Prints : No prints... just drool over the many selections of colours available.. believe me, you'll have a hard time choosing.
Overall Rating : ***** ( I know... But, really, I am so not selling them or getting paid for this...)
Get it from :
Itti Bitti Knit and Cotton Print fitted
Description : Third from first photo... Above photo taken with Arthur to show you how fitting they all are! Anyway, for this one, let's just say that they are indeed very honest to let us know that these fitted are "...good but may need to boost for heavy wetters and the durability of it is... Knit and cotton quilting fabrics wash up very well, although like all cotton based fabrics, can fade over time, inners of microfleece, suedecloth and velour look good for a long time.."
Material : "...6 layers of hemp in the wetzone for absorbency. The outer layer is a cotton, cotton/poly or cotton/lycra print, with a hidden layer of flannel and an internal soaker of 3 layers hemp terry/fleece. The inner will be a coordinating lush velour or stay dry microfleece/suedecloth." The inner layers are much smaller than those of the AIO and the Bitti Boo's. Imagine just two strips as wide as your menstrual pads (even trimmer)...
Absorbency : Not as good as its counterpart. Good for day use only.
Drying time : Good.
Fit : I'll say it again and again...Very, very, very good fit. Something like how low cut hipsters had overtaken the high-waisted jeans.... (can I put it in any better terms? hehehe..)
Wash & Care : Easy wash, easy care though not as easy as it's counter parts in terms of removing just the soiled part. As the extra layers are very trim, chances are, once it's soiled, the whole CD will be soiled.
Prints : Cool and attractive prints. This was the main reason I had to get this one, too!
Overall Rating : *** ( I know I was forewarned that it will not be as good as it's counterparts... still, with this particular one, let's jsut say it's not my favourite in terms of absobenecy and durability... then again, this is the ONLY ONE CD that Arthur has ever shown any interest in.. must be the prints.. he will point at it asking to wear it.. really!)
Get it from : not available in Malaysia at the moment (will soon be ;). No.. not through me...). I got it straight from the Australian site from the above link.
Looking at the number of blogs I have put in for CDs and also at reviews like this one, many have suggested that I go into selling CDs, too. Well, let's just say that for now, I am not ready for that kind of commitment and not ready for the taxes. More so, I believe that those on the market are already very good in the CD department. Then again, if more and more are giving me the pressure to provide them (mostly because they want to get all the stuff from one seller to save on shipping etc.,I presume...) I might just do it one day... not now...
It is so the nature loving part in me that made me write all these reviews and blogs on CDs. Just trying to reduce those waste and save our babies' bums, if you know what I mean. Also, for the benefits for my pregnant friends...
Until the next CD review, hope you find all these useful. Drop a comment on any particular brand you want a review on and who knows, I might be crazy enough to try it out just to post the review.
Mind you, though... I DO NOT get paid for these reviews... just trying to do my part. The feeling of transforming someone from Disposables to CDs... priceless!
Friday, January 11, 2008
The woolies are great!
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Finally, I've made a CD!
I know I've missed out on some photos... too bad I didn't realised it until the CD is done. Arrrghhh... I so should have taken the photos of the worn out T-shirts I used. Used one of mine and one of DH's.
To my pleasant surprise, the fit came out to be nice.. I was actually just trying it out and yes, this is the very FIRST CD I made. Quite happy with myself...
Anyway, this fitted CD is constructed with a total of 12 layers of the cotton T-shirt material - 4 layers for the casing and 8 hidden layers for the soaker... results? Still not as absorbent as those on sale though it is still much better than the lampin.
All I can say is.. No.2 will sure benefit from this ;)
See my proud little one?
Swaddling your baby
The Benefits of Swaddling
By Elizabeth Pantley, author of Gentle Baby Care and The No-Cry Sleep Solution
The benefits of swaddling:
- Swaddling can be a great way to soothe and calm a fussy baby. It is thought thatbeing tightly enwrapped gives a feeling of security, similar to being in the womb.
- The newborn cannot regulate his temperature as well as an adult, so swaddlingkeeps his body warm, (Just make sure that he doesn’t become overheated.)
- Swaddling often helps a young baby sleep longer because it prevents the suddenmovements that can cause her to wake up.
- Swaddling can help a baby focus on breastfeeding, helping to keep his arms andlegs out of the way.
- Swaddling prevents a newborn baby, who can’t quite control his movements yet,from scratching himself with his nails.
- A swaddled baby is easy to carry and hold ¾ an adorable, compact little package.
Swaddling options
Some babies need to adjust to swaddling if it’s new to them, so give your baby a fewopportunities to get comfortable with it before you abandon the idea. If your baby doesn’tseem to like swaddling, or is beginning to outgrow it, try leaving one or both of his armsfree and just swaddle the rest of his body. In any case, the blanket should fit snugly, butnot tightly; that could impede circulation or cause discomfort.
The age for swaddling
Swaddling usually works well for babies from newborn to about three or four months ofage. However, babies who are used to swaddling may enjoy it for even a little longer."
This article is an excerpt from Gentle Baby Care by Elizabeth Pantley. (McGraw-Hill,2003)
It was a special request to make a swaddling blanket out of flannel that reminded me of the importance of swaddling. While I did swaddle my little Arthur since he was born til he was about 4 months old.. we only used the lampin to do so. Then, I have not realised the softness and warmth cotton flannel could provide.
Naturally, it led to making the Peek-a-Swaddler available to all who asks for it ;)
Wet bag of Recycled material
Ok, it all started with this:
In search of a cheaper option to a wet bag, I bidded and won the above item from ebay at less than USD 6, postage included. Quite happy with the win, I received the above item only to find that it is nothing like the laminated PUL for the CD... (not quite sure if a wet bag's PUL is meant to be laminated, though). Initially, I must admit that I was a bit disappointed. Then again, after trying it out, I am happy with it. It did keep odour at bay!
I tried pouring water directly into it... no leaks, too! So, it was a good buy, after all, dismissing the uneven stitches...
I'm not sure what a wet bag should look like as I never owned a proper one (is there such thing as a proper one?) or, I never owned one sold by those selling CDs but this one is simply an outer layer of fabric sewn with something like canvas for tents as the inner, waterproofing layer?
Anyway, it was working for me with my CDs. I was about to bid on it again for smaller ones to contain my cloth pads when I came across this lying in my store room:
It is a broken indoor pool. How it broke... ask my little Arthur... I just knew I could use it for something... Anyway, inspired by my ebay purchase, I tried my hands on making a mini wet bag out of the bottom layer (waterproofing) material.
It works! Happy!
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
My "Thank God I've discovered babywearing" moment
So, why am I so into babywearing?
To begin with, my Little Arthur was a colicky and clingy baby. Needs a cuddle all the time... the advise from those around me? Still clear in my head... "... you gotta train him from young. Let him cry a while and it will be alright... if you hold him more, he'll be more clingy!"... Me? Then? Simply confused. Main concern: "What??!! My baby is barely a month old!" Anyway, you can read more on this from my previous post on attachment parenting.
So, when was my "Thank God I've discovered babywearing moment"? Well, for Sharine, she's starting to wear her little one who's got clingy from a bout of diarrhea. In comparison to my moment, in a way, she's lucky to know the reason behind the cling-i-ness.
One night last September, my little one just couldn't stop crying. Sudden breakouts... no warning bells... not unwell in any way (to us)... It was definitely a night to remember as it was a night I never got any sleep... a night, for the first time in his life (he was clingy and demanding before but not as bad as this), that he has to be carried (in my case, worn) to sleep throughout the night... every time I tried to put him down, he jumped awake... literally. And, he only wants his Momma and no one else. A night when I was desperately worried as I haven't got a clue what's wrong. I was just trying my best to soothe my baby.
Dilemma is, my slings are drying on the lines and I have none to wear him with... I didn't have as many as I have now,just two... though I have a new one lying around (meant to be a gift for a friend who just welcomed a newborn). So, I was trying my best to carry him with my bare hands... trying to soothe him to sleep.. hoping to put him down when he's in deep sleep but deep sleep never happened... and, my arms and hands were aching...
After an hour carrying him (in the a.m.)with my bare hands, I gave up... tired and exhausted, I was already complaining on why I'm the only one he wants (my Sis, Mom, DH offered to help carry but Arthur just screamed when they approached)... so, without further thoughts, I decided to break into the new sling meant for my friend (adding another sling to my collection... well, eventually got another one for my friend) and lucky I did, too, as I was only able to soothe Arthur enough to put him on the bed at 6 am! Yes... worn him to sleep and through sleep for more than 6 hours... the bout started around midnight.
Looking back at it... what if I didn't have a sling then. How would it have ended if I didn't know about babywearing? I'm sure you know the answer... BAD ACHES all over.
By chance, my family (Mom, Sis and family) was here on a visit and first on their thoughts.. "Why is Arthur suddenly so clingy?" Yes... though a colicky and clingy baby as a start, he's grown to be very sociable by then and usually not as clingy anymore... second (not sure if it's the same with most of you)... "Was he 'frightened'? Better go to the temple to check tomorrow morning"...
Me? I'm not a temple person so, first thing next morning, we went to the Paeditrician. Turned out it was an ear infection. Now, why didn't we suspect that? Honestly, who would?
A pouch or a ring sling? You decide!
While it is a matter of preference, as I have discussed earlier in Carriers Comparison, I just cannot stop searching for more answers since many of you raised the same issue being in between choices when it comes to a ring sling or a pouch. Nevermind my personal preference, for your benefit, I have found a very detailed and shall I say very good and unbiased comparison from one who is dedicated and sells both of them:
This shall do it this time. Hope you find it useful ;)
Again, the most important here is that you enjoy babywearing... so, just go ahead with what you feel is right for you. Some would even find just tying a piece of selendan or sarong or even a bedsheet works (but, please, get something that's at least 6 feet or approximately 2 metres long.. longer is you are bigger in size) ! If you want to try that out, be sure to check this:
Again, there are many other ways to tie.. this is just one of them. Shucks... I am wishing someone could take those pictures for me.. still working on the photos for my instructions page. If I do get the chance, I will post on the other different methods to tie the selendang or the sarong.. hopefully, soon. ;)
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Carriers Comparison
What is it??
This is the one I started with. This is the one I fell in love with. This is the one I love most... guess that's why I am selling this and not others ;). Simply, it is two layers of fabric sewn together into a turbular sash-like carrier.
- Easiest to use. No straps, buckles, no nothing that makes it difficult.
- Great pop-a-bility... ability to pop my Little Arthur in and out in just seconds.
- Nothing to hide away.
- Many positions possible (up to 6!).
- Light and handy enough to just pop into the bag and bring along.
- Also great for the guys as this could be considered the least-fuss carrier ;)
- Breastfeeding possible.
- One shoulder carry only.
- Might be necessary to switch to another side for long-term carry.
- Back carry might not work for those who are not confident enough though those pictures of it being used in the back carry position is very tempting.
- Accurate sizing is necessary - wrong size = wrong sling!
- Difficult to breastfeed a toddler
- While it is constructed safe enough to carry a child weighing up to 15 kgs, I am beginning to feel the ache on my shoulder if I carry Arthur for more than 2 hours now that he is almost 12 kg. Then again, it didn't stop my Sis from carrying her 12+kg DD when they go to crowded areas like fairs and pasar malam ;).. just to play safe...
What is it??
Ok... I tried this and didn't really like it. Probably because I was spoilt by the convenience and the user-friendliness of the pouch to begin with. Similar to the pouch, it is a one-shoulder carry carrier, only difference is that it is adjustable with a ring/buckle and it has excess fabric for this.
- Adjustable, one size fits most.
- Breastfeeding possible, even for a toddler. Extra fabric provides ample coverage while breastfeeding.
- Many positions possible (just like the pouch).
- Pop-a-bility ok.. migth need to adjust a little every time, though.
- Same as above for the pouch.
- Steeper learning curve compared to the pouch... need to work out how to thread the fabric through the ring.
(aka the Pod)
What is it??
Ok, as Arthur is loving the back carry position and I am not confident enough to put him in this position for a long period of time (he wiggles so much as he is excited every time I carry him this way), I am looking into the two-shoulder carriers to provide a more secure back carry. Briefly, it is a Korean inspired carrier with a blanket and long straps.Pros
- Two shoulder carry. Weight distribution even better.
- Good for toddlers... more 'weightless' than the pouch or the ring sling.
- Good for back carries
- One size fits most
- Steeper learning curve than the ring sling. Really takes lots of practice with this one.
- Difficult to breastfeed.
- Not many positions possible.
- Not as good for newborn... probably at least 6 months and up (with good head control)
Wanna know what other carriers are available worldwide and how they fare in comparison? Check these out:
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Going for Gold
Mother Support : Going for the Gold
Breastfeeding results from a reproductive health continuum for the mother to the child with no beginning or end, from generation to generation. When a practice is disrupted, it must be restored. However, restoration of the breastfeeding culture demands more resources and mobilization.
In conjunction with the Olympics next August, WBW 2008 calls for greater support for mothers in achieving the gold standard of infant feeding: breastfeeding exclusively for six months, and providing appropriate complementary foods with continued breastfeeding for up to two years or beyond.
As every country sends its best athletes to compete at these global games, it is important to remind ourselves that, in a similar fashion, a healthy young athlete can only emerge from a healthy start on life. There is no question that optimal infant and young child feeding is essential for optimal growth and development.
Supporting Mother = Supporting Her to Provide the Golden Start For Every Child !
Where to get those info??
If you are wondering where all those out there are getting those info on pregnancy and parenting, these are just some of the sites you might want to stop by to check out. Dear me did not get a chance while I was pregnant.. wished I knew of them, though... especially Baiboo as gaining their membership means getting discounts to a number of things. ;)
Anyway, my friends, I find these useful:
Pregnancy Without Pounds
I signed up for their newsletters since I was pregnant and am still getting the tips to date! Great tips, too. It's not only on pregnancy but also breastfeeding and more. Of course, tips of losing those pregnancy weight.
You don't need to buy the book or anything. Just sign up for the newsletter!
Heinz Australia
I check this for food ideas. Some are great, some are not. Mostly simple and nice
The Baby Wearer
My online babywearing bible, along with The Mamatoto Project
Susu Ibu
The Malaysian advocate website for breastfeeding Moms. Also check WABA
The Diaper Pin
Where I read up on Cloth Diapers and search for their reviews and ratings. Also on cloth pads, too (if you are interested)
Be careful, though as all of those sites can be addictive ;)
Friday, January 4, 2008
My First Pod - Action Pics ;)
He just loves the back carry... Now that I have this podaegi (originated from Korea)... I'm sure we'll be going places in the back carry position ;)
A bit bulkier to be bringing along, though. So, yes, the pouch will always be in my bag while this will be very useful on short trips to the neighbourhood grocery store..... wear him from home ;)
My first Podaegi!
Just like how I always like them... reversible (trying to get the most use out of it) and of course, for our climate... 100% cotton... even the denim used for the straps.
Now, this is a narrow blanket type of pod and the straps are 80" long on each side... will let you know if these work for Arthur and I.
Can't wait to try it on!
Mei Tai in the works, too ;)
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
"STOP!" This is Important
Anyway, I believe it is a very useful tip that every parent or caregiver should take note of.
The title of the article caught my attention most of all... "Stop! It can save your child".. or something similar.
Briefly, it's about getting your child to stop whatever they are doing every time they hear the word "Stop"
How could it save a child's life? Well, the article was based mainly on practising road safety. Notice how children will just dash out to the roads without looking around? If you get them used to 'stop'... all you have to do is just to shout it out and they would stop.
Ever since reading that article a few months ago, I took the advise on practising to "Stop" with Arthur... play games where the action stops once 'stop' is shouted out.
In particular, Arthur has got this wooden hammering toy from Ikea. So, I'd play with him and ask him to hammer the pegs and showed him what it meant to 'stop'. Held his hand away from the action as I said 'stop'.
I would sometimes get him to dance and just when he is into it, shout 'stop' and he would understand what I mean.
Does it work? You bet it does. All I'm saying is, it's worth a try. With Arthur, it's working to stop him from crying (yes... it does the trick) and stop him from getting at things he shouldn't lay his hands on.. though sometimes, after stopping, he would continue just to be naughty...
It IS USEFUL. The thing is, the more you practise with your child, the more it's in his head and whenever he hears the word "STOP", whether he wants it or not, it's like automatic reflex already.
And, I sure hope that if he does dash out to the road one day, he would also respond to "STOP".