Sunday, November 23, 2008

Freaky encounter

It's really getting close now... no, it did not happen to Arthur and I but it was really, really, close...

A group of us (Moms and little ones) were having lunch together at the Food Court in Gurney Plaza today and we were almost finishing when it happened...

I guess it could be my luck that my family and I are sitting in a cornered space where people cannot go around at all...

Anyway, friend of mine,S, was holding on to her little daughter,A, and trying to finish off her lunch... hubby of another friend sitting close by her, playing with his own baby... when a stranger, in his 30's approached the little girl and just cannot stop touching her...

The situation was completely weird and totally freaky!

... stranger walked up and stroke little A's hand...
Stranger : She's cute
my friend, S, : Thank you (and smiled politely and turned away)
Stranger went to the other side (that my friend turned to) and stroke little A's other hand...
S gave another smile and turned away again... and again... the stranger just cannot keep his hands off eventhough it was totally clear in S's face that "I don't want you to touch my little girl!"

Hubby was about to tell the stranger to bug off when S decided she'll just walk away from the table... thinking the stranger will leave us alone but he did not! He went on to approach the hubby and the baby... and it took another 10 minutes before he realised and understood he is not welcomed to keep touching our children and looking totally freaky!

Mind you, he did speak good English and seems polite and all... but it is still so freaky that anyone, especially a guy in his 30's, alone, is so interested in touching your little one!

Is this freaky or is this not?


Azurah Anuar said...

we just have to be careful.

he could look like a normal person, but he maybe a pedophile, who knows.

thanks for highlighting the issue anyway.

Rayhana said...

that's scary jess. :S