Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Lost my Mojo for blogging...

Time really.... well, you can fill in the blanks. In between my last post on New Year, it's Chinese New Year already!

Time... no matter how I try schedule it, no matter how I try to arrange my use of it, it just never seems enough. I guess 'modern day clutter' takes up more than just space in the physical appearance... it's certainly also taking up space in my 'to do list'.

Let's see... 'to do' now includes:
... spending more time with Arthur
... learning up HTML so I can be more savvy when it comes to maintaining my site and blog
... spending more quality time with Arthur
... sewing up some skirts for my niece
... spending less time off the sewing room and the laptop so Arthur does beg me to do it :(
... sewing up a bag for Arthur
... updating my blog
... read a book... rather, finish reading books I started reading...
... bringing Arthur out to playgroup
... updating my store
... ... ... ...
(and, did I say Arthur skipping his naps does not help at all?)

Time... do we really want more of it? What then, if we DO manage to get more of it? My bet is that we'll still need MORE OF IT! Thing is, we need to prioritise things in life and right now, at this very moment, blogging just does not hold priority on my list :( (especially since I read about how people can start 'following' you much more than you want them to from your blog... that really put me off...)

Oh well, it's looking like I'll never really get my mojo for blogging back... Let's just say my friends were right... I am just not a blogger-type... I guess...


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