It's been some time since I shared anything parenting related in particular...
Recently, I've been catching up on reading again as I try to spend more time with my little one. We have reading times together and then, we'll both grab a book of our own fancy and read on for a while... that probably explains the lack of my blog posts nowadays, though there are lots more reasons where my time goes these days.
Anyway, I have been reading mostly parenting books and magazines and came across on the importance of Dad being more than a playmate, and how we can try to enhance the bonding between Dads and children... Moms take a day off **wicked smile**
Most of us would know how important it is for the father figure to play a part in the development of a child and in most cases (at least those I know of), Dads tend to end up being the playmate while Mom takes the roles and responsibilities of providing primary care and disciplining the child. While we are not suggesting a change of roles here, it is more of Dad and child growing to be more than playmates... growing with that special bond and trust that they can trust, respect and believe in each other... something that lacks in our family despite my many attempts to remind Dad of what's 'nutritious food' and what's 'good manners' etc.
While most books or magazines suggests more time with Dad, not many will suggests Mom not being in the picture at all... Adventurous me believed in the article in Australian Parenting magazine that Mom will need to be away for Dad to know that he is totally in charge... that the child is now all under his care. If Mom were still in the house, meals will still be prepared by Mom, Dad/child will call out to Mom when they cannot find something they want to play with etc... if Mom's not there... well, they just have to figure it out :)
From Oct 2008, Mom will get a 'day off' a month and completely stay away from Dad, son and house...
The idea of me getting a day off was appealing but really, my day off was indeed tiring as I stay away from the house for more than 12 hours... without calling home to check. Gladly, Dad realised the importance of this all and did not call to check for things... yes, he managed :D If I were not lucky enough to have invite to dinner... I would not have known where to spend those 12 hours! Now, I need to start planning what I should be doing on my next day off...
Anyway, what you must be curious to know is... the result... yes, we are talking about just Dad and child ... no helpers, no grandparents around... just the two. And, no, Mom did not prepare anything in advance for them... no food, no plans...
From the time I stepped into the door... it was 10.30pm and I was hoping that my son would be sleeping (then again, his bedtime is usually past 11pm)... there was a welcoming hug from my boy and hubby :D , with Arthur going "Momma's back"... you can tell from his face how much he misses having me around but no, he's not crying... he's glad! The night ended with cuddles and Momma cleaning him up and getting him ready for bed... for once, I'm all ears listening to him relate what happened with Dad in the day (Mom left before he woke)... I was amazed at his ability to remember and to tell me most of what happened... Dad nodding in agreement at the back...
Today, as we spend the day together (as family, all 3 together)... I must say jealousy is already builing up, looking at Dad and Son having 'something' they've learned to do together that I do not know of... and how my Son is now more trusting towards Dad and how Dad actively takes on the role of ensuring Son gets a full stomach... things that I'd say would never happen if I did not take the 'day off'...
Today, as I see them together... it's as though I've been away for ages and tuned out of lots of things... secretly glad and happy that they have this new found understanding and fondness of each other ...
Are we looking at the next Mom's 'day off'?... For me... it is tiring but if it helps Dad and Son build that special relationship, I am sure I'll be able to plan some activities for myself ;p... Dad... "rather not" but he's saying this with a smile and a cheeky grin...
Mom: Did you enjoy yourself with Di-e Di-e today?
Son: (smiled and nodding his head)
Mom: Do you want to do this again?
Son: (shaking head)